
CBI has been identified by the banking industry as the body responsible for defining the reference API technical documentation for PSP, making the provision of online services to customers (e.g. bank transfer, current account movements, etc.), through third parties provided by PSD2, easier for the latter.

The Guidelines are defined by the entire Italian financial community, on the basis of the latest open-banking technologies and fully compatible with the European reference initiatives (e.g. ISO, EBA, Berlin Group and others). This ensures maximum interoperability at a national and international level.


The Guidelines have been reviewed by a public consultation, composed by various stakeholders, that has allowed to integrate the final draft.  


CBI  has published in the Protected Area of this site the definitive version of the CBI API Guidelines, compliant with the PSD2.

For consultation enter the Protected Area.




Technical specifications will allow banks and its outsourcers to rationalise and homogenise the technological developments, as well as interact uniformly with the Third Parties entering the market.


Sign up to download the Guidelines.

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