On Thursday 8th October 2020, from 9:00 am to 9:30 am (CET), CBI S.c.p.a. will hold the Webinar "The development of Innovative Open Finance services with CBI Globe". The presentation will be in English and will be followed by a Q&A session.
The Open Banking scenario has introduced new challenges and opportunities for Payment Service Providers. The webinar will provide an overview of the Open Finance paradigm at international level and highlight the offer of CBI to support banks, fintech companies and other intermediaries in the development of new value-added services.
The webinar will provide a focus on innovative use cases, including, for example, the so-called Check IBAN service.
Participation in the webinar is free and open. To partecipate CLICK HERE, you have to login (top right) or register on the website as an "Prospect Members".
Next July 2nd, from 9:00 am to 9:30 am, CBI S.c.p.a. will be held the Webinar "The development of Innovative Open Finance services with CBI Globe". The presentation will be in English and will be followed by a Q&A session.
The Open Banking scenario has introduced new challenges and opportunities for Payment Service Providers. The webinar will provide an overview of Open Finance at international level and present the offer of CBI to support banks, fintechs and other intermediares in the development of new value-added services, with a particular focus on some innovative use cases, including for example the Check IBAN service.
The webinar is free and open. To participate CLICK HERE, you have to login (top right) or register on the website as an "Prospect Members".
CBI will organize a series of webinars to illustrate the "CBI Globe - Global Open Banking Ecosystem" service, which will be released in production on June 1st, 2019 and tested from March 14th, 2019.
The webinar will be an opportunity to illustrate the competitive scenario outlined by the PSD2, to describe the operating model of the CBI Globe API platform and to present the main benefits and functionalities of the service.
In fact, CBI Globe will enable its member Intermediaries to reduce the technical-functional impacts - and the related investments - deriving from the adjustments imposed by the Directive, thanks to the centralization of multiple services, including, for example: the recognition of the Third Parties, the management of disputes, the 1st level help desk and the management of the documentation and of the technological updates of the solution.
CBI Globe will allow all banks in the role of ASPSP (Account Servicing Payment Service Provider) to dialogue in a more efficient and effective way with the Third Parties, through the availability of a single point of access, and to offer its customers advanced payment solutions, even at a competitive level, in line with the current international market standards.
During the webinar will also be illustrated the procedures to join the platform and the project planning.
March 8th 10:30-11:30 √
April 5th 10:30-11:30 √
May 7th 10:30-11:30 √
June 28th 10:30-11:30 √
July 23th 10:30-11:30 in English √
5 settembre 10:30-11:30 √
Consorzio CBI will again take part to the Salone dei Pagamenti which will be held at the MiCo in Milan from the 7th to 9th of November 2018.
The Salone dei Pagamenti is the annual event that allows to explore all the themes related to technological innovation and trends that are revolutionizing the world of payments in one big event.
On the 8th of November at 11:30 Consorzio CBI organized a session dedicated to the most significant innovation of this 2018: CBI GLOBE: the international platform to connect banks and fintechs, beyond the PSD2 .
The “digital and regulatory evolution” that is heavily involving the payment services market will undoubtedly change the structure of the financial markets, representing a challenge and an opportunity that requires a strategic response from traditional intermediaries.
In order to actively respond to the fragmentation of the payments chain, Consorzio CBI and Nexi are implementing CBI Globe - Global Open Banking Ecosystem, a platform that will allow all members, even at an international level, to fulfill more easily the obligations imposed by the PSD2 regarding the telematic dialogue for the exchange of information and payments with Third Parties, also guaranteeing a higher level of consumer protection.
Thanks to CBI GLOBE, both banks and non-banking entities, including Fintechs, operating in the payments sector, can make the management of current accounts by customers easier and more efficient by offering both information and payment services, exploiting the business opportunities enabled by the same PSD2, to provide citizens and businesses with innovative services with high value-added. CBI Globe is therefore a concrete collaborative project between banks for the adaptation to the PSD2 guaranteeing at the same time to each member bank the construction of its offer in competition in the international payments market, without foreclosures for future developments.
Consorzio CBI has organized the 25th of September in Rome, the press conference to launch CBI GLOBE - Global Open Banking Ecosystem.
The goal of the event was to present the advantage of CBI Globe and the new brand.
The press conference was coordinated by Salvatore Maccarone, President of Consorzio CBI, and opened with the speechs of Salvatore Rossi, Senior Deputy Governor of Bank of Italy, and Giovanni Sabatini, General Manager of Italian Banking Association, who presented the new European legislation and the opportunities for banks in the new market scenario, also characterised by the entry of new Non-bank Operators.
The presentations of the new CBI GLOBE service were followed by Liliana Fratini Passi, CEO of the Consorzio CBI, and Paolo Bertoluzzo, CEO of NEXI.
The event was closed by Stefano Favale, Head of Global Transaction Banking Intesa Sanpaolo.
Under the Directive 2015/2366/EU (Payment Services Directive – PSD2), the works are currently nearing completion for the definition of API technical standards aimed at improving the implementation actions borne by individual Financial Institutions, thus avoiding the fragmentation of market solutions (as hoped for by European and National regulators).
The works are conducted in accordance with the international reference context, which the Consorzio CBI is managing through direct involvements in ISO (Web-based API working Group) and in the Berlin Group (PSD2 Access to Account Framework).
Standardisation operations are carried out by an ad hoc Task Force of experts in the financial sector.
The Consorzio CBI has published in the Protected Area of this site the definitive version of the CBI API Guidelines, compliant with the PSD2, launched by the Italian financial industry on the basis of the latest open banking technologies and fully compatible with the reference initiatives in Europe, in order to guarantee the maximum interoperability at a domestic and international level.
The guidelines have been reviewed by a public consultation, composed by various stakeholders, that has allowed to integrate the final draft.
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